
  • Mas’ud Bello, Ph.D
  • Ahmed D. Garba


Ponderous, Lumpen, Childhood, Almajirai, Northern Nigeria, Challenges


The paper assessed the ponderous childhood of Almajirai in Northern Nigeria with particular reference to their historical evolution. The practice of Almajiri system of education makes reference to the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings that reiterates the search for knowledge even if it require travelling to the farthest area in the East (China). The Prophet and his disciples created a historic landmark culminating in migration from Makka to Medina, aptly referred to in Arabic as Almuhajirun (Migrants). By the 11th century, Islam was introduced to Borno Empire, hence their and advocation of the Almajiranci system of education by the rulers. Again, the 19th century Islamic revival’ movement led by Shehu Usmanu Danfodiyo established Islamic theocratic states that bolstered a similar system. This led to the establishment of the Inspectorate of Qur’anic Education, charged with the smooth running and funding of Almajiri education. However, the British colonial incursion and subjugation of Northern Nigeria in 1903 espoused a paradigm shift that eventually resulted in the transformation of Almajiri education, and when funding ceased at its expense, Western education took the vantage. In the subsequent time, the Almajirai condition became exacerbated through the search for food and means for the survival of the Malams (teachers) through begging for alms and engagement in menial jobs and other illicit activities. It is quintessential that the Almajirai of many challenges that inhibit the achievement of desired objectives; this included their subjection to deplorable conditions, and conscription into criminal groups, among others. Some of them became political hoodlums, thugs and nuisances to the society through smoking of Indian hemp, drug abuse and other narcotics which engendered involvement in violent conflicts viz; Boko Haram, armed banditry etc. Up to this contemporary period, Almajirai between the age is 2 and 5 and beyond, according to United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF), was estimated to be 13.2 million in Nigeria. Against this backdrop the study explored the origin, motives and challenges of Almajiranci phenomenon in Northern Nigeria. For adequate comprehension, the study adopted the historical sources and method of data collection as well as a descriptive form of analysis. The study examined and used substantial primary data for the research.




How to Cite

Mas’ud Bello, Ph.D, & Ahmed D. Garba. (2023). PONDEROUS CHILDHOOD AND THE CHALLENGES OF ALMAJIRAI PHENOMENON IN NORTHERN NIGERIA. LAPAI JOURNAL OF NIGERIA HISTORY, 15(1), 85–100. Retrieved from https://ojs.ibbujournals.com.ng/index.php/ljnnhh/article/view/967


