Instructional Materials as a Tool for Effective Delivery of Educational Objectives in Nigeria


  • Muili Folaranmi Olajide, Ph.D
  • Omole Yusuf Akinsunloye


The influence of instructional materials in promoting student’s academic performance and realization of teaching and learning objectives of education is indisputable. Instructional materials are crucial to teaching and learning processes, dedicated classroom teacher/facilitator at all levels of education feels satisfied when he realizes the objectives he has set out to achieve for every lesson. However, before a trained teacher could achieve objectives of a lesson, he employs a number of methods, design and actions, one of which includes the use of instructional materials, also the quality and appropriateness of instructional materials will always determine successful lesson delivery from the teacher/ facilitator to the students/learners. The types of instructional materials to be used for successful lesson delivery are syllabi modules and manuals, reference books, charts and maps, newspapers, journals, laboratory apparatus, prototypes, Braille machines, writing board and so on. Teachers, lecturers, facilitators and instructors should always march each step of lesson presentation with the appropriate instructional materials for effective and efficient lesson delivery.




How to Cite

Muili Folaranmi Olajide, Ph.D, & Omole Yusuf Akinsunloye. (2020). Instructional Materials as a Tool for Effective Delivery of Educational Objectives in Nigeria. JOURNAL OF ARTS AND EDUCATION, 8(1), 112–122. Retrieved from




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