Urban Transportation in Northern Nigeria: An Exploratory Study of Commercial Motorcycle (Achaba) Transport System in the Socio-economic Growth and Development of Katsina Metropolis, 1987–2012


  • Samuel Wycliff
  • Abba Aliyu Sararinkuka


one of the major means of livelihood for many unemployed or even the employed citizens in Northern Nigeria. Through a historical methodology, the paper examined the roles of Achaba in the economic growth and development of the Katsina metropolis from 1987 to 2012. However, the major argument of the paper is that, Achaba is central to the provision of self-employment for thousands of people being an impetus for youth empowerment. Besides, many unemployed youths and retirees have found gainful engagement in this enterprise. In addition, some of those who are employed in government still engage in the business either as owners or riders in order to augment their regular income with whatever they were able to make from the business. The paper further argued that the business had pulled out a lot of people from destitution and despondency more
than has ever been witnessed in this part of the country. Over the years, since it employed a large number of Nigerian citizens, many were able to sustain their families, built houses and enrolled their children to standardized schools. The paper undoubtedly concluded that, commercial motorcycle operators had contributed to government Internal Generated Revenue (IGR) through registration for plate numbers and licenses for motorcycle operators. In fact, the activities of the motorcycles operating for commercial purposes led to the emergence of quite a number of other small scale and medium enterprises which indeed made Achaba of great socio-economic value to individuals and Katsina government.




How to Cite

Samuel Wycliff, & Abba Aliyu Sararinkuka. (2021). Urban Transportation in Northern Nigeria: An Exploratory Study of Commercial Motorcycle (Achaba) Transport System in the Socio-economic Growth and Development of Katsina Metropolis, 1987–2012. LAPAI JOURNAL OF NIGERIA HISTORY, 13(3), 37–50. Retrieved from https://ojs.ibbujournals.com.ng/index.php/ljnnhh/article/view/825


