The Future of Democracy in Nigeria: Harnessing Nigeria’s Youth Potential to Drive Development in the Fourth Republic


  • Tony Johnson Ekpo


Nigeria’s democracy is nascent and still undergoing litmus test. However,
the slow pace of economic growth and development experienced in
Nigeria’s democracy could be attributed to the nation’s inability to harness
the potentials of its youthful population. Nigeria’s burgeoning human
capital strength if properly utilized can move the country further into
the status of a developed nation. This study focused on ‘The future of
democracy in Nigeria: harnessing its youths potential to drive
development in the fourth republic’. The study used both primary and
secondary sources of data to establish that Nigeria’s youths potential if
properly harnessed can drive economic growth and development, because
the economic growth and development of any nation is anchored on
the quality of its human resources found in its youthful population.
This study, however, concludes that the future of Nigeria’s democracy
and economic development lies in the effective harnessing of the Nigeria’s
youth potentials in all ramifications, because this is the plank upon
which the needed economic growth and development of the nation can
be actualized.





