Forest and Social Control in Sapele, Okpe Kingdom, Delta State, Nigeria


  • Sandra Ngozi Ikenyei
  • Hussaini Momoh Lawal


Affliction and Development, Deforestation, Forest, Health, Sexuality


In pre-literate Okpe community, the forest was a veritable tool of rewarding conformist or punishment for offenders. To maintain harmonious relationship, practices that offend collective conscience were avoided, while behaviours that contradict accepted norms were severely sanctioned. The forest and restraining practices helped maintained relative peace. Previous studies focused more on the socio-economic use of the forest, while few dwelt on its role as institution of social control. Thus, this study focused on the forest and its usefulness as social control institution in Okpe Kingdom, Delta State, Nigeria. Environmental precedence theory provided the framework for explanations. From five major communities that make up Sapele local government area, total of 369 participants were randomly selected Sapele (91), Elume (85), Amukpe (71), Ozum-Okokporo (61) and Ugborhen (61). Sapele Local government was purposively selected for the research due to industrial scale deforestation which now subject the community to high rate of crime and social disorder. The questionnaire collected data on the implications of deforestation on Okpe women,five focus group discussions comprising eight participants each, 10 key informants among household heads/women, 15 in-depth interviews with chiefs/forest custodians were conducted. Quantitative data were analysed using relative frequency. Qualitative data were content analysed. As social control measures, deviants were subjected to isolation, shaming and ostracism in the forest. Obviously, larger aspects of Sapele social control mechanism revolved around the forest. Before the onset of industrial scale deforestation, beliefs that spirits, demons and cosmic forces which govern wellness, peace and prosperity are resident in the forest were unopposed. Therefore, forests were used as a medium for placating ancestral spirits and deities to attain peace and wellness or otherwise punishment for deviants.





